Phyllis Hull not fictional. Her actions mentioned here, however, are.
Wakefield Daily Item
Wednesday, July 8th, 2009
Hull stirs mixed reactions at speech
Phyllis Hull made the opening speech of her 2010 Middlesex County Board membership campaign in Chelmsford Tuesday, the first of twenty-three scheduled "Hull rallies" from now through February 2010, with rally dates after February pending.
She spoke to conservative voters from the Merrimack Valley area, promising "better leadership under the good Hull name." Hull also promised better relations between Wakefield and the Merrimack Valley region, a region that Wakefield has trouble reaching to and agreeing with, such to an extent that when a P.A. announcer said the words, "representing Wakefield," the crowd booed. A passage from Hull's speech reads thus:
Chelmsford...relations between my town and yours have disbanded. Just because the classes and demographics of our towns differentiate, it does not mean that with a good, strong, firm hold over Wakefield we cannot come to a stable, satisfying conservative, Republican agreement.
Pete Lehrer said, in response, "The [Merrimack] Valley is a highly Republican area ... unfortunately, Hull will be able to make a big impact there."
Hull's tour schedule includes speeches in central Wakefield (July 16), North Andover (July 25), Medford (July 29), and the Montrose section of Wakefield (August 1).
Vote in our "Phyllis Polls" online.
MGLD announces pull-away from Board of Selectmen
-Tuesday, the Municipal Gas and Light Department polled their Board of Directors to see if they should break their last ties to the Board of Selectmen, and the vote, which involved 14 B.O.D. members, was unanimous. Two other board members who are on vacation had submitted yes votes before their leave on Friday. The MGLD had "grown tired of the controlling, whining grip of the Board of Selectmen." As of their independence, the MGLD announced that they will be rescinding their online payment program that was implemented by the B.O.S. due to the great loss of funds it has caused them. An emergency debriefing has been set for Thursday at 1:30 p.m.
-Due to the intense growth of mosquitoes, especially in the Greenwood/South Wakefield area, an emergency mosquito spraying has been set for tomorrow, 7:30-8:30 p.m. If residents see a spray truck coming, they are advised to go indoors and stay indoors for at least twenty minutes until the spray has dissipated.
Wakefield/Lynnfield debate intercounty board connections
-County board reps from both Wakefield and neighboring Lynnfield met in Lynnfield Town Hall yesterday to see if they would agree to keep the connections between the towns on their respective Middlesex and Essex County boards. Wakefield found themselves at a disadvantage as the meeting was held in Lynnfield. While Wakefield favors holding onto Lynnfield relations, Lynnfield feels that, in the words of Lynnfield selectman Drymon Russell, "our two towns have grown apart politically in the past few years. While we feel the utmost respect for Wakefield, it has an extremely strong Democratic presence as of the Democratic Takeover of 2006, and we're not sure how much longer we will be able to [work with] that." Michael Kearney, representing Wakefield, was one of the few Wakefieldian reps who agreed with Lynnfield, saying, "The feeling is mutual. If Lynnfield continues their course of conservative Republican action, we will have to let go of them." Lynnfield has now dropped from 6th to 11th on Wakefield's "ally towns list." (1st is Reading.)
Is letting go of Lynnfield a good choice?
Yes 61%
No 39%
Police log includes several thefts and altercations, some by youths
-The police department is urging parents to keep track of where their children go throughout town this summer, due to an increase of calls complaining about youths roughhousing or being involved in altercations of some kind.
At 5:49 p.m. yesterday, police were called to the scene of a fight of several youths on the lower Common. The combative youths were separated from each other temporarily. It is unknown what caused the altercation. One cooperative youth, who said he had become involved in the altercation unknowingly and unintentionally, said he believed the argument was over stolen items of some kind. The other youths had left the scene before further details could be acquired.
At 6:44 p.m., another youth was found loitering at the Junction for almost an hour. When an officer arrived, the youth appeared combative, but eventually left the scene.
Also on Tuesday, Jul. 7:
- At 3:40 a.m., youths on the Lower Common were sent on their way.
- At 6:15 a.m., Selectmen Ken Royey, 39, of 218 Oak St., and Linda Cameron, 41, collided at the intersection of Hopkins and Brook Streets. Cameron's 2001 Toyota Corolla suffered significant rear end damage. Royey's 2004 Chevrolet Malibu suffered significant front end damage.
- At 7:25 a.m., police deported a homeless person from North Avenue Dunkin' Donuts to North Emerson Street.
- At 8:06 a.m., a Prospect Street resident reported that someone had stolen a $400 diamond jewelry piece after smashing the front window of her residence. A middle-age man, whose name could not be identified, was found with the offending object and arrested.
- At 10:34 a.m., a Linda Road resident reported that someone had stolen the back license plate off of his 2007 Chrysler 300. A youth was found with the plate and returned it, claiming the plate had became detached from the vehicle, slid across the street and into his backyard after a runaway skateboard struck the vehicle's rear end. These claims were found valid as a skateboard was found about three feet away from the vehicle. The owner of the skateboard has yet to be identified.
- At 11:11 a.m., a Quannapowitt resident reported that a large mahogany desk was to be found in the middle of the street and that it had caused several cars on the street to stop, creating a mini traffic jam. Police moved the desk.
- At 11:56 a.m., a Pearl St. resident reported that a large buck had just galloped down the street. The animal was not found anywhere in the vicinity when police arrived.
- At 12:05 p.m., a Bartley St. resident reported a group of youths playing in the street. They were gone when police arrived.
- At 1:22 p.m., an Outlook Road resident announced she had placed a man under citizen's arrest. Police asked the resident to rescind the citizen's arrest when they arrived.
- At 4:00 p.m., Rob Keller, 26, of 250 Whitegrove Road, was arrested for assualt and battery after an altercation with an unidentified individual who fled the scene.
- At 4:26 p.m., a call about an altercation involving youths came from Sweetser St. The youths were leaving when police arrived; police noticed they looked very much like the youths that had been sent on their way for curfew violation on the Common at 3:40 a.m. the preceding morning.
- At 7:58 p.m., fireworks began for the eighth night in a row on Foundry and Maple Streets.
- At 8:12 p.m., fireworks citations were given out on Harrison and Minot Streets. Police have recorded Southern Greenwood to be the most active area for personal-use fireworks calls throughout the town, with over 1/4 of all personal-use fireworks calls coming from Southern Greenwood.
- At 9:06 p.m., an adult and a youth, found not to be related to each other, were sent on their way from Fernald Field.
- At 9:55 p.m., Mike Kollom, 41, of 41 North Avenue, reported that he had encountered a security officer at the Breakheart Reservation who had acted out of bounds. He reported that the officer accussed him of trespassing and threatened him with arrest. The matter is under investigation.
- At 12:08 a.m. this morning, police broke up firework-setters on Main, Railroad, Nahant, Franklin, Orchard, and Charles Streets.
- At 4:17 a.m. this morning, youths found on the Common were sent on their way for curfew violation.
- At 4:46 a.m. this morning, more youths were found on the Common and sent on their way for curfew violation. (The curfew for unaccompanied youths runs from 11 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. during the summer months.)
Amerks 11s/12s pull one over on Winchester
-The Wakefield American 11/12 year-old All Stars pulled a Cinderella victory over Winchester Tuesday at Noonan Field in Winchester. Marcus Tyler and Roy Keugany (KOO-gah-NEE) both grand-slammed in the 7th and Mickey Millwood hit out a 3-run homer to combine with a 2-run RBI in the 8th.
Just as it looked like the Amerks would lose to the mercy rule, down 12 runs with the bases loaded in the bottom 6th, relief pitcher Joshua Ryansfield struck out a batter, then assisted in a double play to retire the side, stopping the bleeding and setting up the beginning of the spectacular comeback in the top 7th.

L - Bradley (WIN) (2-2)
SV - Ryansfield (WKF) (1-2) (2d SV)
Bat: WKF - Tyler (GS) (2), Keugany (GS) (4), Millwood (3RHR) (1)
WIN - Chairston (2RHR) (3), Maxwell (3RHR) (1), Allister (3 RBI 3B) (1)